Opening day: Friday, February 21st at 1:00 PM
The Exhibitor List is being updated. We will notify you via eblast and social media when our updates are ready.
Clinker Press & Friends
Ryan Berley Applied Arts
Christine L. Boone Antiques
PatsPots and Japanese Woodblock Prints Gallery
California Historical Design
Clements Antiques of New Hampshire
Coleridge Trading
Dreamlight Antiques
Drucker Antiques
Eastwood Gallery
Carol Eppel Antiques
Barbara Gerr Antiques
Harris Antiques
Hammered & Hewn
Michael Hingston Antiques
Nancy Hunt Antiques
Emerson Manning Antiques
JMW Gallery
Oberkirsch Designs
Jack Pap Antiques
Kindred Styles Antiques
Robert Kaplan Collection
George Sorensen Antiques
Treadway Gallery
Joe Tunnell
Jim & Ellen Tyne Antiques
Contemporary Craftsfirms
Books and More Show
The Office of the National Arts and Crafts Conference & Shows
Kate Nixon, National Arts & Crafts Conference Director
Bruce Johnson, Advisor & Director Emeritus
Flower Bridge Design LLC
Kate Nixon
by appointment only
Please email to set up an appointment
Asheville, NC 28803
Office number:
(828) 628-1915
Office hours:
Monday through Friday: 10am-5pm EASTERN